4 NaNoWriMo Bonuses for All Writers
Even if you don’t take part in the effort to write a novel in a month, there are benefits to NaNoWriMo that are worth adding to our writing life. Take a look.
Even if you don’t take part in the effort to write a novel in a month, there are benefits to NaNoWriMo that are worth adding to our writing life. Take a look.
Today, we explore four ways to revise a piece of writing with IFW Instructor Susan Ludwig. Try a new way of revising and see your work in a whole new light!
It’s rare to find a YA novel without any romantic elements and romance can appear in upper middle grade too. Check out these 4 tips for writing teen romance.
Good writing is often hidden in the clutter of a rough draft. One way to showcase your writing is to put your revision skills to use and cut that clutter out.
Revision and proofreading are two very different steps on the way to publication. Which one should you use and when? Read on for all the details!
Discover 4 essential steps to revising for theme including finding the theme and revealing it to your reader in subtle ways throughout the story. Read on!
When tackling revision, remember the story of the tortoise and the hare. Revising too fast can lead to poor results, but diligent work leads to success.
To do the hard work of revision in your writing, you need to understand what it’s meant to do. Spoiler alert: it’s not just about fixing mistakes.
Did you know market guides can provide writing inspiration as well as help locate a publisher for your work? It’s true. Find out how they can inspire you!
Online submissions rule the day. You must get the details right to have a chance of an agent or editor reading your manuscript. Here’s what you need to know.
New Adult romance bridges the gap between Young Adult and adult romance. Lynne Smith gives tips on writing New Adult. Come see if this genre is a fit for you!
Today we’re discussing how reading books in your genre not only improves your writing skills, but it can also help you find the right publisher for your work.
Carefully researching and targeting submissions is part of a successful writer’s routine saving massive amounts of time and emotional energy. Let’s get started.
New Adult is a bridge between Young Adult and adult romance. How does it differ from YA? Here’s what you need to know to write in the emerging genre.
Discretionary Love, Grande Dame Literary Journal, Mutha Magazine
September 1, 2023
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