The Secret of Making and Chasing Writing Goals
Instead of waiting for inspiration to strike, it’s amazing how making specific writing goals can jumpstart your energy, motivation, and success.
Instead of waiting for inspiration to strike, it’s amazing how making specific writing goals can jumpstart your energy, motivation, and success.
Jan Fields busts three common writing myths and shares how you can be sure these myths don’t derail your writing career before it even has a chance to start.
There are a lot of preconceived notions about writing and publishing. Dive in as Jamie K. Schmidt busts 5 popular myths about writing and publishing.
Did you know market guides can provide writing inspiration as well as help locate a publisher for your work? It’s true. Find out how they can inspire you!
To become a better writer, you must be willing to learn. Let’s put our own knowledge aside and let the professionals show us how to improve our skills today.
There’s no time like now to sign up for a writing course. Institute for Writers writing courses are particularly easy to jump into. Let’s take a look!
Learning to write for publication starts with getting your brain on board. Time to figure out where you are, where you want to go, and how to get there.
Back-to-School season is the perfect time to reset and reevaluate your writing schedule and get a fresh start as a writer. Here are 5 ways to get started.
The writing journey isn’t always easy. How do you build writing motivation during hard times? How do you follow your creative dreams when it’s easier to quit?
It’s smart to look for productive methods to grow and improve your writing. Get inspired by what helped these published writers and enrich your writing skills.
Writing isn’t one-size-fits-all. For each of us, there is a genre that fits best with our interests and abilities. Today we are finding your place as a writer.
Why are you a writer? Knowing your why as a writer can help you get writer’s block and rejection. Let’s talk about what motivates you to write.
One way of thinking about what you most want out of the year is by choosing a writing word of the year. What’s a word that encapsulates your goals this year?
Whenever we take a break from writing, it can be difficult to get back in the groove. Will we ever get it back? Let’s talk about ways to rediscover your writing passion.
Writing fears can keep us from success. Whether it’s fear of failure or fear of letting other people down, it’s time to get past those fears and move forward.
Summer offers writers new opportunities as schedules change. Jan Fields provides four writing exercises for finding writing inspiration at any time of year!
How do successful writers finish writing a book? IFW Instructor Victoria Sherrow reveals 10 motivational writing tips to get you from draft to finished project.
Today, we use investment strategies to prioritize your writing and manage your time just like you would your money. Make a plan to dedicate time to your stories.
Whether you’ve been away from your writing for a while or just haven’t been making as much progress as you’d like, here are some things to consider as you recommit to writing a novel.
Personal essay writing offers endless opportunities for personal expression and publication. Find out how to write a personal essay that gets noticed.
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