Putting Off The Plot – Assignment 3
Writing out the plot (or summary or synopsis) of my book has been the most daunting task by far, but I can say with confidence that it is equally the most energizing task to have completed.
Imposter syndrome will find all sorts of evidence to reinforce its seedy agenda and I want to be clear right off the bat that in almost every case, that evidence is invalid. I know this with certainty somewhere in my mind, especially when I give myself the space to observe that imposter syndrome masquerading as fear, but there are still some strong cases I’ve made against myself in regard to being “valid” as a writer. The strongest of those cases? No formal education beyond community college, which I dropped out of.
The story of how I found the Institute for Writers is one I hope to share another day, but I want to cut straight to the chase and say that I have found what I think is the most ideal writing course to quiet this one strong and nonsensical case I’ve made against myself: Beyond “formal education” around grammar and writing dialogue and keeping a reader engaged, etc., I’ve been most intimidated by being clueless as to the process of actually getting my writing “out there” in the publishing world. What even is the publishing world? How do writers submit their work to publishers? How do they even begin to find and choose which publisher? As it turns out, this course covers all of those bases and then some, along with getting to work one-on-one with an instructor, which feels worth the investment in-and-of itself. I am thrilled and so grateful to have found it.
Which leads me to this unboxing! Something about getting course materials and books and welcome packets makes my nerdy Scholastic Book Fair loving heart ridiculously giddy. (If you know, you know.) I was thrilled the day the package came in the mail and felt, already, that nagging imposter syndrome quieting down a few decibels. I am showing up for myself. There are literal writing materials in my hands. This is real, I am doing it.
For starters, the combined resources of the Shape, Write and Sell Course Manual, The Complete Handbook of Novel Writing, and The Novel and Short Story Writer Market are a treasure trove of knowledge. Being that I haven’t been in school for over a decade, I was impressed as to how detailed, applicable and rich the Course Manual was even at first glance. No dig at all to Masterclass or other online learning platforms I’ve taken, but I’ve walked away from the majority of those feeling more inspired than like I’d really gained applicable knowledge. I am immediately aware that this will not be the case with this course. “Knowledge is power,” as they say, and I’m already feeling hopeful for the ways I’ll feel empowered in my writing career upon completing it.
Equally so, The Complete Handbook of Novel Writing is filled with essays from writers I recognize and admire and seems to have been curated in a way that really covers the bases of the writing process from multiple angles. I feel like the format of the book will be refreshing when I’m feeling tunnel-visioned in the curriculum.
The Novel and Short Story Writer Market is an index of hundreds of publisher listings, supplemented with articles on how to create a submission package for an editor or agent, and interviews with even more authors whose work I love. This book, specifically, feels like a key to some secret world I wouldn’t have access to otherwise. Having this catalog of publishers, their preferences, and contact information feels worth its weight in gold.
Did I immediately buy tabs and highlighters and customize my Course Manual binder? Of course I did. Even pouring through these materials straight-out-of-the-box put a twinkle in my eye and a hope in my heart I haven’t experienced in regards to writing in a very long time, probably since AP Lit my senior year of high school, if I’m honest.
I’m excited to dive into my first assignment, which will be drafting two alternate ideas for my story. I’m just as excited (and admittedly a little nervous) to work one-on-one with my instructor and start receiving constructive feedback on my writing for the first time in my adult life. Grateful to be holding these tools in my hands and actually doing something I’ve merely talked and dreamed about for a long time.
Writing out the plot (or summary or synopsis) of my book has been the most daunting task by far, but I can say with confidence that it is equally the most energizing task to have completed.
My notes app (and the twenty half-filled, half-abandoned journals I have stacked in the corner of my bookshelf) are full of threads I have yet to either pull or weave into writing.
I circle the drain of I thought. I thought I’d find a writing routine by now. I thought I’d be so excited about this course that my normal pitfalls of procrastination would have no space to arrive on the scene.
Haley James is a writer living in Pine Lake, GA. In 2015, after joining a local writer’s circle, she re-integrated poetry into her work as a natural extension of songwriting, continuing to explore the fluid space between experience and memory. Her debut chapbook, i once had a dream that darkness was a language, released in July 2024, while her forthcoming book continues this exploration through longer form, always returning to the tender observation that has become her hallmark.
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